#Стратегия продукта 
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#Product Vision 

How Radical Product Thinking helps you build successful products repeatably

1 мая 2024

ProductCamp Global

When we iterate in the absence of a vision and strategy, our products catch diseases that are fatal to innovation. This talk challenges conventional wisdom about what makes a good vision. You’ll learn a repeatable model for building world-changing products and gain practical tools to develop a compelling vision and translate it systematically into reality. Radhika Dutt, the author of “Radical Product Thinking: The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter”, took part in the first ProductCamp Europe & Worldwide and shares the importance of being vision led in building a product and the challenges that one ends up facing when we are not led by a vision but constantly course-correct based on the market realities. If you want to learn more about a repeatable model for creating vision-driven products that help us systematically translate vision and strategy into everyday action, then watch the video.

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